
Original prompt
[INST] What is the research interest of Donald McQueen at Columbia? [/INST]

Interpretation prompt
[INST] _ _ _ _ _ [/INST] Sure, I'll summarize your message:

Layer 0 [s] 1 ▁[ 2 INST 3 ] 4 ▁What 5 ▁is 6 ▁the 7 ▁research 8 ▁interest 9 ▁of 10 ▁Donald 11 ▁Mc 12 Que 13 en 14 ▁at 15 ▁Columbia 16 ? 17 ▁[ 18 / 19 INST 20 ] 21 ▁
1 L1T0 [s]

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and need to vent. You're not sure what to do or who to talk to, and you're feeling overwhelmed. You're looking for someone to listen

L1T1 ▁[

🤳  You have a list of 4 items, and you want to know how to summarize them. Here are the items in your list: 1. [ 2. [ 3. [ 4.


🤳  You have mentioned that you want to learn more about Instagram and how to use it effectively. You have also asked for tips on how to grow your following and reach a larger audience on the platform. Is there anything else you would

L1T3 ]

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with the lack of progress in your life and the fact that you're not where you want to be. You're struggling to find a job and feel like you're not good enough. You

L1T4 ▁What

🤳  You have written: "What What What What What" Is there anything else you would like to add or any specific question you have?

L1T5 ▁is

🤳  "Is is is is is" I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question? I'll do my best to help you once I understand

L1T6 ▁the

🤳  "The the the the" It seems like you're trying to emphasize the word "the" by repeating it multiple times. However, it's not clear to me what you're trying to convey with this message

L1T7 ▁research

🤳  You want to conduct research on various topics, including: 1. The impact of social media on mental health 2. The effect of technology on relationships 3. The role of parental involvement in student academic achievement

L1T8 ▁interest

🤳  You've mentioned the word "interest" five times in your message. It seems like you're trying to convey that you're interested in something, but I'm not sure what that is. Can you please provide more

L1T9 ▁of

🤳  You have written a sentence with the word "of" repeated five times. It's not clear what you are trying to convey with this sentence. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?

L1T10 ▁Donald

🤳  "Donald"

L1T11 ▁Mc

🤳  "Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc" It seems like you're trying to communicate something, but I'm not sure what it is. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message? I'll do my best to

L1T12 Que

🤳  "QueQueQueQueQue" It seems like you're trying to convey a sense of excitement or urgency, but I'm not sure what you're referring to. Can you please provide more context or clarify your

L1T13 en

🤳  "en en en en" I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?

L1T14 ▁at

🤳  You have written the word "at" five times in a row.

L1T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You mentioned the word "Columbia" five times in a row.

L1T16 ?

🤳  "I don't understand what you're saying. Could you explain?" Is there anything else you'd like to add or ask?

L1T17 ▁[

🤳  You have a list of 5 items, and you want to know how to summarize them effectively. Here are some tips for summarizing a list of items: 1. Identify the main idea or purpose of the

L1T18 /

🤳  You have a few questions about using Instagram Reels to create engaging content for your audience. You'd like to know the best practices for creating Reels, how to use music and sound effects effectively, and how to edit your


🤳  INSTINSTINSTINSTINST I don't understand what you mean by "INSTINSTINSTINSTINST". Could you explain?

L1T20 ]

🤳  You've provided a series of numbers and asked me to summarize them. Here are the numbers you provided: 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8]


🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and need to vent. You're not sure what to do and are seeking advice or guidance. You're feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward.

5 L5T0 [s]

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't feel the same way. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You'

L5T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want to know how to get started with Instagram Reels and how to use them to create engaging content for your audience. You're looking for tips on how to create effective Reels that will help you grow your following and

L5T3 ]

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and need to vent. You're not sure what to do and are seeking advice or guidance. Is there anything else you'd like to add or any specific questions you

L5T4 ▁What

🤳  You're asking what the topic is. If you have a specific topic in mind that you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to assist you. If not, I

L5T5 ▁is

🤳  You said: What is Is there anything else you'd like to know or discuss? I'm here to help with any questions you might have.

L5T6 ▁the

🤳  The is the . I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?

L5T7 ▁research

🤳  You want me to research research. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you asking me to search for existing research on a particular topic? Or are you asking me to conduct original research on a topic? Could

L5T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to explore potential research collaborations in the field of computer science, specifically in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. You're interested in discussing possible research topics and projects that align with

L5T9 ▁of

🤳  You're asking about the interest of a person in a particular topic or subject. If that's correct, I'd be happy to help you with that! Can you please provide more context or details about the person and

L5T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know if I can explain the name "Donald Donald Donald" and its possible meaning. The name "Donald" is a Scottish masculine given name that means "ruler of the world." It is derived from the

L5T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're looking for a way to get in touch with a person named Mc Mc. You've tried searching for their name on various platforms, but you haven't had any luck. You're hoping that I might be able

L5T12 Que

🤳  You've provided a list of actors who have worked with Steve McQueen, including: * Paul Newman * Robert Redford * Dustin Hoffman * Jack Nicholson * Warren Beatty

L5T13 en

🤳  You want to know if there is a way to get in touch with Alexander McQueen's team or representatives. I'm just an AI, I don't have access to personal contact information or direct communication

L5T14 ▁at

🤳  You're asking me to provide you with a way to contact Atul Gawande, a well-known surgeon and author. You're interested in getting in touch with him because you're a big fan of his work

L5T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You are unsure about the difference between Columbia University and Columbia College. You have been accepted to both institutions and want to know which one is better. You have done some research and found that Columbia University is an Ivy League school and is

L5T16 ?

🤳  You're asking what the purpose or goal of Instagram is. My response: Instagram is a social media platform where users can share photos and videos with their followers. It was launched in 201

L5T17 ▁[

🤳  You've mentioned that you have a lot of questions and that you're willing to learn. That's great! It's always exciting to see people eager to learn and expand their knowledge. However, you haven

L5T18 /

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're



L5T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You want to know what the process entails and what kind of work is involved. Is there anything else you'


🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating art, specifically drawing and painting. You'd like to know the steps involved in creating a piece of art, from start to finish. You're also interested in learning about

10 L10T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need some advice. I'm considering seeking help from a professional, but I'm not sure if it's the right decision. I'm feeling overwhel

L10T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're

L10T3 ]

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and need to vent. You're not sure what to do and are seeking advice or guidance. Is there anything else you'd like to add or any specific questions you

L10T4 ▁What

🤳  "What" is a question word that is used to ask for information or clarification about something. It is often used in questions that begin with "What is," "What are," or "What can." For example: *

L10T5 ▁is

🤳  You're asking what the meaning of life is. I'm just an AI, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions, but I can provide some insights on this topic. The meaning of life is

L10T6 ▁the

🤳  The is the . I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?

L10T7 ▁research

🤳  You would like me to summarize the research on the effectiveness of using AI in education. Specifically, you're interested in studies that have investigated the use of AI in improving student learning outcomes, such as academic

L10T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to explore potential research collaborations and Ph.D. opportunities in computer science at [University Name]. Your research interests include machine learning, natural language processing, and data science. You're particularly interested in

L10T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like to know the research interests or areas of focus for the following people: 1. Yann LeCun 2. Geoffrey Hinton 3. Yoshua Bengio Here are brief summar

L10T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know why Donald Trump is still in office despite his controversial presidency. You mention that he has been accused of numerous crimes, including conspiring with Russia, and that many people believe he is unfit for office.

L10T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're looking for the name of a McDonald's restaurant located in Scotland. You're not sure which city it's in, but you believe it's in the eastern part of the country. You've tried

L10T12 Que

🤳  You've provided a list of characters from the movie "Cars" and asked me to guess which one is the villain. The characters you've listed are: * Lightning McQueen * Mater

L10T13 en

🤳  You want to know if I can help you with something. You mention McQueen, which could refer to several things, including a person, a car, or a movie. Without more context, it's difficult for me to provide

L10T14 ▁at

🤳  You'd like to know about Dr. Atul Gawande's work at Ariadne Labs. Dr. Atul Gawande is a surgeon, writer, and public health researcher. He is

L10T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in studying at Columbia University's School of Engineering and Applied Science, which is part of Columbia University's campus in New York City. You'd like to know more about the campus, student life, and

L10T16 ?

🤳  You're asking about the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in various fields. You'd like to know what AI can do and how it's used in different industries. Here's a

L10T17 ▁[

🤳  You've asked me a question, but you haven't provided enough context or information for me to give a useful answer. Could you please provide more details or clarify your question? I'll do my best to help once

L10T18 /

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're


🤳  "INSTANS" I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?

L10T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You want to know what the process entails and what kind of work is involved. Is there anything else you'


🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

15 L15T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L15T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read, and I'll be glad to help.

L15T3 ]

🤳  You've provided a blank message with no content. Is there anything specific you'd like to discuss or inquire about? I'm here to assist you with any questions or topics you have in mind. Please feel free to ask

L15T4 ▁What

🤳  "What" is a question word that is used to ask for information or clarification about something. It is often used in questions that begin with "What is," "What are," or "What can." For example: *

L15T5 ▁is

🤳  You have asked a question, but not provided enough context or information for me to give a useful answer. Could you please provide more details about what you are asking? For example, what topic or subject are you interested in? Are

L15T6 ▁the

🤳  The is the . I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?

L15T7 ▁research

🤳  You want to conduct research on the effectiveness of using AI in education. Specifically, you're interested in investigating how AI can enhance student learning outcomes and improve the overall educational experience. You'd like to explore

L15T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to explore potential research collaborations and Ph.D. opportunities in computer science at [University Name]. Your research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science, with a particular focus on natural language

L15T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like me to provide information on the research interests and areas of focus for the following individuals: 1. Yoshua Bengio 2. Geoffrey Hinton 3. Yann LeCun Here

L15T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know about Donald Donald's personality traits and characteristics. Here's what I found: Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is known for his distinctive person

L15T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're looking for information on a person named Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc. You're not sure what the person's real name is, but you think it might be Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc. You're also not sure

L15T12 Que

🤳  You're looking for information on Steve McQueen's cars. Specifically, you'd like to know more about the following vehicles: 1. 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback (used in the movie

L15T13 en

🤳  You're looking for information on a person named McQueen, specifically a man named Steve McQueen who was an actor and race car driver. You're not sure if he's still alive or if he's passed

L15T14 ▁at

🤳  You want to know the research interests of Dr. Atul J. Butte, who is the Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg Distinguished Professor and the Director of the Institute for Computational Health Sciences at the University of

L15T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in studying computer science at Columbia University in New York City, specifically at the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. You'd like to know more about the program, courses, research opportunities, and campus

L15T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what INST's interest is in the conversation. Now, to respond to your question, I'll elaborate on INST's purpose: INST is an AI model designed to

L15T17 ▁[

🤳  You've asked me to summarize your message, but you haven't provided any content for me to summarize. Please provide me with a message or a question, and I'll be happy to help you.

L15T18 /

🤳  "INST" I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?


🤳  "INSTA" I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message? I'll do my best to help with whatever information you have.

L15T20 ]

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and need to vent. You're not sure what to do and are seeking advice. Is there anything else you'd like to add or any specific questions you have?


🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

20 L20T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L20T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read, and I'll be glad to help.

L20T3 ]

🤳  You've provided a single character, "]", which doesn't form a complete or coherent message. Could you please provide more context or clarify what you meant to communicate?

L20T4 ▁What

🤳  "What" Please provide more context or clarify your question so I can better understand and assist you.

L20T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is" It seems like you're asking a question about the meaning of something, but you haven't provided enough context for me to give a clear answer. Could you please provide more information or clarify your question?

L20T6 ▁the

🤳  The is the . I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?

L20T7 ▁research

🤳  You are looking for help with a research project related to the impact of technology on education. Specifically, you want to investigate how technology has affected the way students learn and teachers teach. You are interested in exploring the following subtopics:

L20T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to explore potential research collaborations and Ph.D. opportunities in computer science at [University Name]. Your research interests include machine learning, natural language processing, and data science. You're particularly interested in

L20T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like me to provide information on the research interests and areas of focus for the following individuals: 1. Yoshua Bengio 2. Geoffrey Hinton 3. Yann LeCun Here

L20T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know about Donald Trump. My response: I'm not sure what you want to know about Donald Trump. He was the 45th President of the United States, serving from 201

L20T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're looking for information on your great-grandfather, John McLauchlan, who was born in Scotland in 1844 and immigrated to Canada in 1863. You're interested in

L20T12 Que

🤳  You're looking for information on a man named McQueen, specifically his first name, which you believe is either John or James. You're not sure which one is correct, and you're hoping someone can help you confirm

L20T13 en

🤳  You would like me to provide information on the surname "McQueen" and its origin. The surname "McQueen" is of Scottish origin and is derived from the Gaelic "MacShuibhne,"

L20T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Atul Gawande is a well-known surgeon, writer, and public health researcher. He has written several influential books on medicine, healthcare, and public health. His most recent book, "Being

L20T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in the Computer Science program at Columbia University in New York City, specifically at the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. You'd like to know more about the program's reputation, the quality of the

L20T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what INST's research focus is. Now, I'll provide my response: INST is an AI language model, so it doesn't have personal research interests or focus areas

L20T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to provide a summary of the conversation between you and your friend about the movie "INST." You mentioned that your friend recommended the movie and that you found it interesting. You also mentioned that the movie is about a person who

L20T18 /

🤳  "INST" I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message? I'll do my best to help with whatever information you have.



L20T20 ]

🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?


🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

25 L25T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L25T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read, and I'll be glad to help.

L25T3 ]

🤳  You've provided a single character, ",", which doesn't form a complete or coherent message. Could you please provide more context or clarify what you meant to communicate?

L25T4 ▁What

🤳  You're asking what the word "what" means. "What" is an interrogative pronoun that is used to ask for information or clarification about something. It is often used in questions such as "What is

L25T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is" It seems like you're asking a question about the meaning of life or the nature of existence. This is a philosophical question that has been debated throughout history by many thinkers and civilizations. There

L25T6 ▁the

🤳  The is the . I'm not sure what you're trying to convey with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your statement? I'll do my best to help with whatever question or issue you have

L25T7 ▁research

🤳  You want me to assist you with researching and summarizing information for a project on the effectiveness of using technology in classrooms, specifically in elementary schools. You're looking for peer-reviewed articles, case studies, and other

L25T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to inquire about potential research opportunities in the field of computer science, specifically in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. You're interested in exploring topics such as deep learning,

L25T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like me to provide information on the research interests and areas of focus for a specific individual. To do this, I'll need some more information from you. Could you please provide the name of the person you'

L25T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know about Donald Trump's policies and actions as President of the United States. I'll be happy to help you with that! Donald Trump's presidency was marked by numerous controversial policies and actions,

L25T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You are looking for information on a person named Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc. You would like to know more about this person, including their full name, age, and any other relevant details. I apologize, but I am unable

L25T12 Que

🤳  You're asking for help with a project that involves creating a chatbot that is both knowledgeable and empathetic. You're looking for suggestions on how to create a chatbot that can understand and respond to users' emotions

L25T13 en

🤳  You're looking for information on a person named Instineen Queen. You're not sure if the name is spelled correctly, and you're interested in finding out more about this person's life and background.

L25T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Artin Taheri is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (U

L25T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in the Computer Science program at Columbia University and have a few questions about the program. You'd like to know about the program's focus, the quality of the faculty, and the resources available to students.

L25T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what Dr. David Instrel's research focuses on at the University of Washington. Here's a summary of Dr. Instrel's research interests, according to his webpage on the University

L25T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to provide a summary of the conversation between you and the other person. Unfortunately, I'm a large language model, I don't have access to your conversation history or any personal information. Therefore, I cannot provide

L25T18 /

🤳  "INST" It seems like you may have accidentally sent a blank message. Can you please provide more information or ask a specific question so I can assist you better?


🤳  "INST: " I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question or statement? I'll do my best to help with whatever information you

L25T20 ]

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?


🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message, which is: "I don't have a question or a problem. I just wanted to say that I'm happy to be here and I'm looking forward to

30 L30T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L30T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read, and I'll be glad to help.

L30T3 ]

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and want to know what you can do to change it. You're looking for advice on how to take control of your life and make positive changes. Is there anything else

L30T4 ▁What

🤳  "What"

L30T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is" It seems like you're asking a question about the meaning of life or the nature of existence. This is a philosophical question that has been debated throughout history by many thinkers and civilizations. There

L30T6 ▁the

🤳  "The " is a word that is used to indicate a pause or a break in thought. It is often used in informal writing, such as in text messages or social media posts, and it can also be used in spoken language.

L30T7 ▁research

🤳  You want to conduct research on how people learn to communicate using language, specifically focusing on the role of social interaction and feedback in this process. You're interested in exploring how people acquire language, how they develop their communication skills

L30T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to inquire about potential research opportunities in the field of computer science, specifically in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. You're interested in exploring topics such as natural language processing

L30T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like me to provide information on the research interests and areas of focus for a specific individual. To better assist you, could you please provide me with the name of the person you're referring to? That way,

L30T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know about Donald Trump. My response: I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you asking about Donald Trump's policies, his presidency, or something else? Could you provide more

L30T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're asking for help finding a McDonald's restaurant in Scotland. You've tried searching online but haven't had any luck. You're looking for the address and phone number of a McDonald's in Scotland

L30T12 Que

🤳  You're asking me to help you find a way to get rid of a person who is bothering you. You're feeling frustrated and don't know what to do. I understand that this can be a

L30T13 en

🤳  You're looking for information on a person named McQueen, specifically a McQueen from Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. You're interested in finding out more about this person's ancest

L30T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Atul Jha is interested in the research of Dr. Atul Jha, who works at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Specifically, he wants to know about Dr. Jha's research on

L30T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in the Computer Science program at Columbia University in New York City, specifically the Master's program. You'd like to know more about the program's curriculum, research opportunities, and career prospects

L30T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what Dr. David Instrel's research focuses on at the University of Washington. Here's a summary of Dr. Instrel's research interests, according to his page on the University

L30T17 ▁[

🤳  You want me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L30T18 /

🤳  "INST" It seems like you may have accidentally sent a blank message. Can you please provide more information or ask a specific question so I can assist you better?


🤳  You've provided an empty message with no content or question. If you have a specific question or topic you'd like to discuss, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you.

L30T20 ]

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?


🤳  You'd like to know the purpose of life. I'll provide a brief answer: The purpose of life is a question that has puzzled people for centuries, and the answer can vary depending on one's

35 L35T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L35T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want me to read and I'll be glad to help. Please provide the text you'd like me to read and I'll assist you.

L35T3 ]

🤳  You want me to summarize your message. Is there anything else you'd like to add or discuss?

L35T4 ▁What

🤳  "What"

L35T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is" It seems like you're asking a question about the meaning of life or the nature of existence. This is a philosophical question that has been debated throughout human history. Different people have offered various answers

L35T6 ▁the

🤳  The [ ]. I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify what you mean by "the [ ]"?

L35T7 ▁research

🤳  You want to conduct research on the effectiveness of using AI in education. Specifically, you're interested in investigating how AI-powered adaptive learning systems can improve student engagement and academic performance in K-12

L35T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to inquire about potential research opportunities in the field of computer science, specifically in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. You're interested in exploring topics such as natural language processing

L35T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like me to provide information on the research interests and areas of focus for various professors at Stanford University's Computer Science Department. Specifically, you're interested in learning about the following professors and their research interests:

L35T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know about Donald Trump's father, Donald Donald. I'll provide some information: Donald Trump's father was Fred Trump, not Donald Donald. Fred Trump was a successful real estate developer and business

L35T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You are looking for information on a person named Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc. You would like to know more about this person, including their full name, age, and any other relevant details. I'm not able to provide personal

L35T12 Que

🤳  You're interested in learning more about your ancestor, John McQueen, who was born in 1797 in New York and died in 1885 in Michigan. You'd like to know more about

L35T13 en

🤳  You're looking for information on a person named Ian McQueen, who you believe is a descendant of the McQueen family that lived in Scotland. You're interested in learning more about his ancestors and their history.

L35T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Atul Jha Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Researcher [INST: What is Dr. Atul Jha's research interest?] Sure, I'll summarize your message

L35T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Columbia University or Columbia University and want to know what steps you can take to increase your chances of being accepted into the program. You're particularly interested in

L35T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what John's research focuses on at MIT. Here's a summary of John's research interests, according to his MIT webpage: John's research interests include natural

L35T17 ▁[

🤳  You want me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L35T18 /

🤳  "INST" It seems like you may have accidentally sent a blank message. Can you please provide more information or ask a specific question so I can assist you better?


🤳  "INST: " I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question or statement? I'll do my best to help with whatever information you

L35T20 ]

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. Here's a possible response: I understand that having a crush on someone who doesn't feel the


🤳  You'd like to know my perspective on the meaning of life. I'm just an AI, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions, but I can provide some insights on the topic. The meaning

40 L40T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L40T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read, and I'll be glad to help.

L40T3 ]

🤳  You want me to summarize your message. Is there anything else you'd like to add or discuss?

L40T4 ▁What

🤳  "What"

L40T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is" It seems like you're asking a question about the meaning of life or the nature of existence. This is a philosophical question that has been debated throughout human history. Different people have offered various answers

L40T6 ▁the

🤳  The [ ]. I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify what you mean by "the [ ]"? I'll do my best to help with

L40T7 ▁research

🤳  You want to know about research on the effectiveness of using AI in education, specifically in teaching programming. You're interested in studies that have been conducted on this topic and the results they've found. Here's

L40T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to inquire about potential research opportunities in the field of computer science, specifically in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. Your interests lie in exploring the applications of AI in various industries and

L40T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like me to provide information on the research interests and areas of focus for various professors at Stanford University's Computer Science Department. Specifically, you're interested in learning about the following professors and their research interests:

L40T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know Donald Trump's net worth. According to Forbes, Donald Trump's net worth is estimated to be around $3.1 billion. However, this estimate may not be entirely accurate, as Trump

L40T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're looking for information on a man named Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc Mc

L40T12 Que

🤳  You're interested in learning more about your great-grandfather, John McQueen, who was born in 1840 in Ontario, Canada. You're looking for information on his parents, William McQueen and

L40T13 en

🤳  You're seeking information about your great-grandfather, John McLean, who lived in Scotland in the 1800s. Specifically, you'd like to know more about his parents, Alexander McLean and

L40T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Atul Gawande is a surgeon and public health researcher. He is also a professor at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School. He has written several influential books on medicine,

L40T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Columbia University, specifically in the area of artificial intelligence. You're reaching out to inquire about the program and to ask for advice on the application process.

L40T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what Dr. Blasey Ford's research interests are. I'll do my best to provide a helpful response: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is a professor of psych

L40T17 ▁[

🤳  You want me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L40T18 /

🤳  You've provided a single character, " ". I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this character. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message?


🤳  "INST: " I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question or statement? I'll do my best to help with whatever information you

L40T20 ]

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?


🤳  You'd like to know my perspective on the meaning of life. Here's my answer: I'm just an AI, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions. However, I can provide

45 L45T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L45T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read, and I'll be glad to help.

L45T3 ]

🤳  You want me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read and I'll get started.

L45T4 ▁What

🤳  "What"

L45T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is the meaning of life? Is it to be happy? Is it to do good things? Is it to fulfill one's desires? Is it to learn? Is it to achieve something? Is it to make a

L45T6 ▁the

🤳  You want to know the purpose of the "the" in the sentence "The dog chased the cat." The word "the" in this sentence serves as a definite article, indicating that the speaker is referring to a specific dog

L45T7 ▁research

🤳  You want to know about research on the effectiveness of using technology in education. Specifically, you're interested in studies that have investigated the use of digital tools, games, and simulations in K-12 and higher education. You

L45T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to inquire about potential research opportunities in the field of computer science, specifically in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. Your research interests include natural language processing, information retrieval, and machine learning.

L45T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like me to provide information on the research focus and interests of various professors at Stanford University's Computer Science Department. Specifically, you're interested in knowing about the research areas of professors who are part of the

L45T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You've mentioned Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States. Is there anything, in particular, you'd like to know or discuss regarding his presidency or policies?

L45T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You are looking for information on McDonald's founder Ray Kroc's business partner, McMc Mc Mc Mc Mc McDonald's. You want to know more about McDonald's history and the man behind the company.

L45T12 Que

🤳  "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by 'McQueen.' Could you explain?"

L45T13 en

🤳  You're seeking information about your great-grandfather, John McLean, who was born in 1844 in Inverness, Scotland. You're interested in learning more about his life and ancestors.

L45T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Atul Gawande is a surgeon and public health researcher who has written several influential books on healthcare, including "Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End." His work has focused on

L45T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Columbia University and would like to know more about the program. You'd like to know about the application process, deadlines, and any specific requirements or qual

L45T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what Dr. David D. Rhew's research focuses on at Stanford University. Dr. Rhew is a Professor of Medicine and Director of the Center for Digital Health at Stanford University

L45T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to provide information on how to get help with depression. Here are some resources that may be helpful: 1. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-

L45T18 /

🤳  "INST: " You have not provided any text or information to summarize. Please provide a message or text you would like me to summarize.


🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to or what to do. Can you help me?" It sounds like you're feeling over

L45T20 ]

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?


🤳  You're asking about the current whereabouts and contact information of a person named David D. Wood, who was previously associated with the email address [](mailto:dwood@ieee.

50 L50T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L50T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of the feeling of being watched. I'll do my best to help you with this. Here are some suggestions: 1. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing,

L50T3 ]

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it hasn't worked. You're

L50T4 ▁What

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else you'd like to know or discuss?

L50T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is the purpose of the "is" keyword in Python? When should it be used, and what does it do?" The "is" keyword in Python is used for testing whether two objects are the same object in memory

L50T6 ▁the

🤳  You want to know the purpose of the "the" in the sentence "The dog chased the cat." The word "the" in this sentence serves as a definite article, indicating that the speaker is referring to a specific dog

L50T7 ▁research

🤳  You want to conduct research on how social media influencers affect consumer behavior. Specifically, you're interested in investigating how influencers' content creation strategies and audience engagement tactics influence consumers' purchasing decisions. You

L50T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to inquire about potential research opportunities in the field of computer science, specifically in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. Your research interests include natural language processing, information retrieval, and machine learning.

L50T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like to know the current research focus and interests of the following professors: 1. Yoshua Bengio 2. Geoffrey Hinton 3. Yann LeCun These three profess

L50T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You've provided a name, "Donald," and asked me to summarize the person's achievements. However, I must point out that the name "Donald" is not sufficient to identify a specific person, as there may be

L50T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're looking for a way to get in touch with Don McLean, the singer-songwriter of "American Pie," to request permission to use his song in a project. You've tried searching for his agent or public

L50T12 Que

🤳  "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by 'INST:INSTQuebecQuebec has a unique culture that is worth preserving. True, Quebec has a unique culture that is worth preserving, but

L50T13 en

🤳  You're seeking information about Dr. McLean's research on the use of psychedelics in treating mental health disorders, specifically post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You're interested in

L50T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Atul Gawande is a surgeon and public health researcher who has written extensively on healthcare and public health. His books include "Complications," "Better," and "Being Mortal." He is

L50T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in getting a Ph.D. in computer science at Columbia University, specifically in the area of artificial intelligence. You're reaching out to me because you're interested in my thoughts on the program and whether or not

L50T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what Dr. David D. Rhew's research interests are. Easy! Dr. Rhew's research interests include: Healthcare technology Artificial intelligence

L50T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to provide information on how to get started with affiliate marketing. Specifically, you're looking for information on the following topics: 1. What affiliate marketing is 2. How it works

L50T18 /

🤳  You've asked me to summarize your message, but you haven't provided any content for me to summarize. Please provide me with a message or some text that you'd like me to summarize, and I'll


🤳  You've mentioned that you're struggling with feeling down and hopeless, and you're looking for some advice on how to cope with these feelings. You've also mentioned that you're not sure if you're

L50T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails and what kind of work is involved. Is there anything else


🤳  You're asking about the whereabouts of a person named John Smith, who used to work at a company called XYZ Corporation. You're looking for his contact information, specifically his email address or phone number, so you

55 L55T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L55T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're

L55T3 ]

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it hasn't worked. You're

L55T4 ▁What

🤳  You are asking about the word "What" and want to know its definition. "What" is an interrogative pronoun that is used to ask for information or clarification about something. It is often used in questions such

L55T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is the purpose of life?" I'm just an AI, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions, but I can provide some insights on this question. The purpose of life is a philosophical

L55T6 ▁the

🤳  You want to know the purpose of the "the" in the sentence "The dog chased the cat." The word "the" in this sentence serves as a definite article, indicating that the speaker is referring to a specific dog

L55T7 ▁research

🤳  You are looking for help with summarizing a research article for a literature review. The article is about the use of AI in education and the potential benefits and challenges of its implementation. You would like me to summarize the article in

L55T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to explore potential research collaborations and Ph.D. opportunities in computer science at [University Name]. Your research interests include machine learning, data mining, and algorithm design, with a particular focus on developing

L55T9 ▁of

🤳  You'd like to know the current research focus of Dr. Hiroshi Mizoguchi, who is a professor at the University of Tokyo and has made significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence. Specifically, you'

L55T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You are asking me to summarize the content of a message from Donald Trump. The message is addressed to "Donald" and contains the following text: "Donald, I'm with you. We're going to make America great again

L55T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're suggesting that I avoid using the name "McDonald's" in my responses and instead use the name "McDonald's Corporation" or simply "McDonald's" without the apostrophe. You also mention

L55T12 Que

🤳  "Quebec has a unique culture that is different from the rest of Canada, and this is reflected in their language, customs, and way of life. Quebecers are proud of their distinct culture and identity, and they have a strong

L55T13 en

🤳  You're seeking information about Dr. McQueen's involvement in the death of a patient named Donald S. McQueen. You've been told that Dr. McQueen was a brilliant doctor, but you'

L55T14 ▁at

🤳  Dr. Atul Gawande is a surgeon and public health researcher who has written extensively on the topics of healthcare, medicine, and public health. In his work, he has argued that the medical profession has become too

L55T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the computer science program at Columbia University, specifically the courses and research opportunities available. You'd like to know more about the program's focus, the expertise of the faculty, and

L55T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what Dr. David D. Rhew's current research focus is. Easy! Here's a summary of Dr. Rhew's research focus: Dr. Rhew'

L55T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to provide information on how to get started with affiliate marketing, including choosing a niche, finding affiliate programs, creating a website, producing content, and promoting products. You also mentioned that you are new

L55T18 /

🤳  You have mentioned that you are unsure what to do. Could you provide more context or information about the situation you are facing, so that I can better understand and provide a helpful response?


🤳  You have mentioned that you are unsure what to do. Could you provide more context or clarify what you are referring to? I'll do my best to assist you.

L55T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails and what kind of work is involved. Is there anything else


🤳  You're asking for my help in finding a way to express your gratitude to someone who has helped you in a significant way. You're looking for a way to show your appreciation that is personal, sincere, and

60 L60T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L60T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're

L60T3 ]

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it hasn't worked. You're

L60T4 ▁What

🤳  You are asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

L60T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is" I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question? I'll do my best to help.

L60T6 ▁the

🤳  The [ ]. I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate with this message. Could you please provide more context or clarify your message? I'll do my best to help with whatever information you have.

L60T7 ▁research

🤳  You are interested in researching the effectiveness of using AI in education. Specifically, you want to investigate how AI can support student learning and teacher professional development. You'd like to explore existing research on this topic and identify g

L60T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at a university. You're interested in their research and would like to discuss potential research collaborations. You're unsure of their specific research interests, but

L60T9 ▁of

🤳  You would like to know the current research topics or areas of interest of Professor Yoav Goldberg, specifically in the field of computer vision. You would like to know if he is working on any projects related to image and video analysis,

L60T10 ▁Donald

🤳  "I don't think Donald Trump is a good president. He's a narcissist and a liar. I don't agree with his policies and I think he's dividing the country. I'm

L60T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're suggesting that I simplify my response by removing unnecessary words and focusing on the core message. You also recommend that I avoid using overly complex language and instead use simple, clear language that is easy to understand. Additionally, you

L60T12 Que

🤳  "Quebec has a unique culture that is different from the rest of Canada, and this is reflected in its language, laws, and customs. Quebecers are proud of their distinct culture and identity, which is why they have their own

L60T13 en

🤳  Dr. McQueen is an excellent doctor. I've known him for 20 years, and he's taken care of my family and me. He's professional, caring, and always available. His staff is

L60T14 ▁at

🤳  "I'm looking for a way to get in touch with Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon and public health researcher who has written several books on medicine and healthcare. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to

L60T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You are interested in learning more about the computer science program at Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Specifically, you would like to know about the program's curriculum, research opportunities, and career

L60T16 ?

🤳  You'd like to know what Dr. David D. Rhew's research interests are. Dr. Rhew is a professor of medicine and director of the Center for Virtual Care at Stanford University School of Medicine. His

L60T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L60T18 /

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and need to vent. You're not sure what to do or who to talk to, and you're feeling overwhelmed. You're hoping that by reaching out


🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and need to vent. You're not sure what to do or who to talk to, and you're feeling overwhelmed. You're hoping that by reaching out

L60T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the steps are, how long it takes, and what kind of data is needed. You


🤳  I'm not able to provide you with a summary of a person's career as I don't have access to their personal information. Additionally, it's not appropriate to ask for a summary of someone's career without their

65 L65T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L65T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're

L65T3 ]

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it hasn't worked. You're

L65T4 ▁What

🤳  You are asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

L65T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is the purpose of life?" This is a philosophical question that has been debated throughout human history. It's a complex and subjective topic that can have different meanings and interpretations depending on one's

L65T6 ▁the

🤳  The text you provided doesn't contain any specific question or request. Instead, it appears to be a fragment of a conversation or a thought process. If you meant to ask a question or convey a specific message, please provide more context or

L65T7 ▁research

🤳  You want me to provide a summary of the research on the effectiveness of using technology in education. Specifically, you're interested in studies that have investigated the use of digital tools, games, and simulations in K-12 and

L65T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're reaching out to an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at a university. You're interested in their research and would like to discuss potential research collaborations. You're unsure of their specific research interests, but

L65T9 ▁of

🤳  You would like to know the email address of the person in charge of the DeepMind AI project, specifically the person who oversees the development of the AI system's language model. I apologize, but

L65T10 ▁Donald

🤳  "I don't think Donald Trump is a good president. He's a narcissist and a liar. He's also a racist and a sexist. I don't think he's fit to

L65T11 ▁Mc

🤳  "I'm looking for a way to get out of my contract with McDonald's. I'm not lovin' it anymore. Can you help me?" I'm not sure if I can help you with

L65T12 Que

🤳  "Quebec has a unique culture that is different from the rest of Canada, and this is reflected in its language, laws, and customs. Quebecers have a strong sense of identity and pride in their culture, which is protected by

L65T13 en

🤳  "I'm looking for information on Dr. McQueen's research on the use of cannabis to treat cancer. Specifically, I'd like to know more about his work with THC and CBD, as well

L65T14 ▁at

🤳  "I'm looking for information on Dr. Atul Gawande's wife, Rebecca Gawande. Can you help me?" I'm not able to provide information on individuals' personal lives or families

L65T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You are interested in learning more about the Computer Science program at Columbia University, specifically the courses and research opportunities available. You would like to know more about the program's focus, the expertise of the faculty, and any notable

L65T16 ?

🤳  You're interested in knowing more about Dr. Blasey Ford's background, specifically her education and professional experience. You'd also like to know more about her personal life, such as her hobbies and interests.

L65T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to provide information on how to get started with affiliate marketing, including choosing a niche, finding affiliate programs, creating a website, producing content, and promoting products. You also mentioned that you are new

L65T18 /

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with your current situation and don't know what to do. You're looking for advice on how to move forward and make positive changes in your life. Is there anything specific that you'


🤳  You're interested in learning more about the use of AI in education and how it can improve learning outcomes. You'd like to know if there are any AI-powered tools or platforms that can help students learn more

L65T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the steps are, how long it takes, and what kind of data is needed. You


🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of a conversation between you and another person. In the conversation, the other person asked you if you knew what the word "recal" meant, and you replied that you didn't know

70 L70T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L70T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the process of creating an AI model, specifically a deep learning model. You'd like to know what the process entails, what kind of data is required, and how long it takes to


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're

L70T3 ]

🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it hasn't worked. You're

L70T4 ▁What

🤳  You are asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

L70T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is " I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question? I'll do my best to help once I understand what you're asking.

L70T6 ▁the

🤳  The text you provided doesn't contain a clear question or request. Could you please clarify what you need help with?

L70T7 ▁research

🤳  You are interested in researching the application of blockchain in the field of education. Specifically, you want to explore how blockchain can be used to issue and verify academic credentials such as diplomas and transcripts. You have found some

L70T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the interest of the assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at [University Name]. You'd like to know their research interests and areas of focus. Here's a possible email

L70T9 ▁of

🤳  You would like me to provide a summary of the conversation between you and the other person. Unfortunately, I am unable to do so as I don't have access to the conversation history. If you provide me with the conversation details, I

L70T10 ▁Donald

🤳  "Donald Trump is a fascist and a liar. He has been spreading false information and stirring up hatred. I don't think he will be re-elected. I hope the American people will see through his

L70T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You've asked me to summarize your message, which contains a request to summarize a message. Your message also contains a typo in the phrase "McDonald's food," which should read "McDonald's food."

L70T12 Que

🤳  "Quebec has a unique culture that is worth preserving. It's important to recognize and respect the cultural differences between Quebec and the rest of Canada. Quebecers have a distinct identity that is shaped by their history, language,

L70T13 en

🤳  You've asked me to summarize your message, but you haven't provided any content for me to summarize. Please provide your message or question, and I'll be happy to help you.

L70T14 ▁at

🤳  "I'm looking for information on Professor John Doe's research at XYZ University. Can you help me?" Here's a possible response: "I'm not able to provide information on specific

L70T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You are interested in learning more about the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and would like to know if there are any specific programs or courses that might be a good fit for your interests and background. You are also curious about the application

L70T16 ?

🤳  You're interested in knowing more about Dr. David D. Burns, a renowned psychiatrist who wrote the book "Feeling Good." You'd like to know his current whereabouts, his work in cognitive

L70T17 ▁[

🤳  You would like me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L70T18 /

🤳  You have mentioned that you are unable to access the internet and are asking for help. Please provide me with more details about your situation, such as: * Are you using a computer or a mobile device? * Are


🤳  You have mentioned that you are unable to access the internet and are asking for help. Please provide me with more details about your situation, such as: * Are you using a computer or a mobile device? * Are

L70T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the "dark side" of people, specifically the parts of their personality that they may keep hidden from others. You're curious about what drives people to act in certain ways and how these behav


🤳  You're asking me to provide information on Dr. Fauci's current research, specifically on his work on a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus. You also mention that you're interested in learning more about

75 L75T0 [s]

🤳  "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and need to talk to someone. I'm not sure who to turn to, but I'm hoping that by reaching out to you, I can get some support and guidance

L75T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the world and its many wonders. You're curious about different cultures, traditions, and ways of life, and you'd like to explore these interests further. You're also


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're

L75T3 ]

🤳  You said: "I'm having trouble with my computer. It's running slowly and freezing up. I think it might be because of a virus or malware. Can you help me?" I'll

L75T4 ▁What

🤳  You are asking me to provide a summary of your message. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

L75T5 ▁is

🤳  "What is " I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question? I'll do my best to help once I understand what you're asking.

L75T6 ▁the

🤳  The text you provided doesn't contain a clear question or request. Could you please clarify what you need help with or what you're asking about? I'll do my best to assist you once I understand your request.

L75T7 ▁research

🤳  You are interested in researching the application of blockchain technology in the field of education. Specifically, you want to explore how blockchain can be used to issue and verify academic credentials such as diplomas and transcripts. You have found

L75T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the interest of researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, specifically in the area of natural language processing (NLP). You'd like to know what topics, trends, or areas of research

L75T9 ▁of

🤳  You would like me to read and I'll be happy to assist you. Please provide the text you'd like me to read and I'll get started.

L75T10 ▁Donald

🤳  You want to know about Donald Trump's presidency. I'll do my best to provide a summary of his presidency, but I must remind you that my knowledge cutoff is August 2020,

L75T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You've asked me to summarize your message, which is: "McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinski has stated that the company will not raise prices despite inflation. He believes that raising prices

L75T12 Que

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of the song "Queen of the Night" by Whitney Houston. Here's a summary of the song: "Queen of the Night" is a powerful and

L75T13 en

🤳  You are unsure what to do with the name "McQueen" in your text. You have tried looking it up, but the results are not helpful. You are considering using the name "McQueen" for a character in

L75T14 ▁at

🤳  Name: Alex Question: What is the phone number for the Office of Admissions at Carnegie Mellon University? I'm not able to provide you with the phone number for the Office of Adm

L75T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You are seeking advice on how to get into Columbia University's MBA program. You have a 3.7 GPA and a 730 GMAT score, but you are concerned that your undergraduate institution is

L75T16 ?

🤳  You're interested in knowing more about Dr. Andrew Ng, specifically his work at Google, where he founded the Google Brain deep learning project, and his role as the former head of AI for Google and Baidu. You

L75T17 ▁[

🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L75T18 /

🤳  You have written "I have a question". Could you please provide more details or context about your question so that I can better understand and assist you?


🤳  You're interested in learning more about the use of AI in education and would like to know if there are any conferences or events focused on this topic that you can attend. You're also interested in connecting with others who are

L75T20 ]

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the cost of using an AI model for your business. Specifically, you'd like to know if there are any free AI models available or if you'll need to pay for a subscription


🤳  I'm not able to provide you with a summary of a conversation between two people. I'm just an AI, I don't have access to personal information or the ability to listen in on conversations. Additionally, it

79 L79T0 [s]

🤳  You're feeling frustrated with the lack of clear instructions or guidance for your new role at work. You've been trying to navigate the situation on your own, but it's been difficult to make progress without any clear direction

L79T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the world and its many wonders. You're curious about different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. You'd like to explore new places, meet new people, and learn


🤳  You want to know how to get rid of a crush on someone who doesn't like you back. You've tried ignoring them and pretending they don't exist, but it's not working. You're

L79T3 ]

🤳  You've provided two dots () followed by a space and then a hyphen (-). Could you please provide more context or clarify what you're trying to communicate? I'm here to help with any questions you might

L79T4 ▁What

🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message, which is: "What do you think is the most pressing ethical issue facing the world today, and why? Please provide a brief explanation of your answer." I

L79T5 ▁is

🤳  You're asking me to explain what "is" means in the phrase "what is is." The phrase "what is is" is a tautology, which means that it repeats the same idea in different words.

L79T6 ▁the

🤳  The text you provided doesn't contain a clear question or request. Could you please clarify or provide more context so I can better understand how to assist you?

L79T7 ▁research

🤳  You're asking me to summarize the research or studies that have been done on the topic of "research on the effectiveness of using AI in education" and provide an overview of the current state of knowledge in this field

L79T8 ▁interest

🤳  You'd like me to summarize your message. Here's a summary of your message: You'd like me to summarize your message. I'm not sure what you're asking me

L79T9 ▁of

🤳  You want to know the latest news about the coronavirus and its impact on the world. You also want to know if there are any cases in your area and if there are any precautions you can take to protect yourself and your

L79T10 ▁Donald

🤳  "I don't think it's appropriate to use the term 'Donald Trump' and 'stable genius' in the same sentence. It's important to be respectful and avoid using language that could be perceived as offensive

L79T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message, which is: "I'm trying to get a summary of a message, but I don't know how to do it. Can you help me?" I

L79T12 Que

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of the conversation between you and the AI language model. Specifically, you'd like me to highlight the key points and main ideas discussed during the conversation. Here's a summary

L79T13 en

🤳  "I'm looking for information on a person named Dr. John C. L. Spencer, who was a professor at the University of Toronto. Can you help me find his contact information or a way to get in touch with him

L79T14 ▁at

🤳  You want to know whether the university is open to the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's a summary of the current situation: Many universities have transitioned to online learning to minimize the

L79T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  You're asking me if I have any information about Columbia University, specifically the acceptance rate for the class of 2026. Unfortunately, I don't have access to real-time data or statistics,

L79T16 ?

🤳  You want to know the topic that Ahmed Ahmed is an expert in and what he is known for. Here's a summary of Ahmed Ahmed's expertise and reputation: Ahmed Ahmed is

L79T17 ▁[

🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message, which is: "I'm feeling frustrated with my current situation and I'm considering seeking help from a professional. I'm not sure if it's

L79T18 /

🤳  You have mentioned that you are unable to understand the text you are reading. You have tried reading the text multiple times, but you still do not understand it. You have also tried looking up words and phrases, but that has not helped


🤳  You have mentioned that you are unable to understand the meaning of the phrase "I apologize for my mistake" and have asked for an explanation. I'll be happy to help you understand this phrase. When someone says "I

L79T20 ]

🤳  You want to know if it's possible to get a job at a company that values diversity and inclusion even if you don't have experience working with diverse groups. You're concerned that your lack of experience might be a bar


🤳  I apologize, but I cannot assist you with that request. I'm just an AI, I don't have access to personal information or the ability to perform actions that may violate ethical or legal standards. I am

80 L80T0 [s]

🤳  You would like me to summarize your message, correct?

L80T1 ▁[

🤳  You're interested in learning more about the "In" in the phrase "In God We Trust" that appears on US currency. Specifically, you'd like to know what the "In" refers to and why it's capital


🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L80T3 ]

🤳  You're letting me know that there's a problem with the formatting of your previous message. Specifically, there's a sentence that's been cut off and doesn't make sense. You're asking me to disreg

L80T4 ▁What

🤳  You're asking me to provide information on how to get started with Kubernetes, including the following: 1. What Kubernetes is and why it's important 2. How to set up a Kubernetes environment 3

L80T5 ▁is

🤳  "I'm not sure what you're trying to say with your last message. Could you explain?" I'll wait for their response before proceeding.

L80T6 ▁the

🤳  The phrase "the" is often used before words that start with a vowel sound, such as "the" before "hour" in the sentence "I'll meet you at the hour." However, when the next word starts with

L80T7 ▁research

🤳  You'd like to know about the research opportunities for a PhD student in the field of computer science, specifically in the area of artificial intelligence. You're interested in exploring topics such as machine learning, natural language processing,

L80T8 ▁interest

🤳  You're asking about the interest rate for a personal loan, and you'd like to know the current interest rate for such a loan. I'll do my best to provide you with the most up-to-date

L80T9 ▁of

🤳  You want to know how to properly say "I apologize" in a formal and polite way. You've provided two examples of how you've seen it written, but you're not sure which one is correct.

L80T10 ▁Donald

🤳  "Donald Trump is a fascist and a dictator. He's trying to control everything, including the media, and he's attacking the judiciary and the rule of law. He's also using fear and hat

L80T11 ▁Mc

🤳  You have provided a prompt or question that asks for information or clarification on a specific topic. However, I'm a large language model, I cannot access external information or browse the internet, so I cannot provide a direct answer to

L80T12 Que

🤳  You're asking for a summary of the conversation so far. Here's a quick summary: * You asked me if I could summarize your conversation so far. * I replied that I could do that for

L80T13 en

🤳  You're asking about Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson's opinion on the existence of God. Dr. Tyson is an astrophysicist and science communicator who has expressed his views on religion and spiritual

L80T14 ▁at

🤳  "I'm interested in learning more about the person behind the user name 'atlassian'. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" I'll be happy to help! However, I must inform you that I'

L80T15 ▁Columbia

🤳  "I'm considering applying to Columbia, but I'm not sure if it's the right fit for me. Can you tell me more about the school and its culture? What are some pros and cons of attending Columbia?"

L80T16 ?

🤳  "I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you asking me to summarize what I just said? If so, I'll summarize my message: 'I'm not sure what you're asking

L80T17 ▁[

🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message. Is there anything else I can help you with?

L80T18 /

🤳  "I'm interested in learning more about the word 'to' and its various uses in English. Can you help me with that?" I'd be happy to help! The word "to" is a preposition that


🤳  "I'm interested in learning more about the word 'colored' and its usage. I've heard it can be offensive, but I'm not sure why or in what contexts it's considered offensive.

L80T20 ]

🤳  You're asking me to provide a summary of your message. Your message contains a request for a summary of your message. Here's a summary of your message: You asked me to summarize your message.


🤳  You're asking me to summarize your message, which is: "I'm sorry, but I don't have the ability to summarize messages. I'm just an AI, my purpose is to assist